Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Trying to Be a Loser

I am pathetic at sticking to things I try to do. My formerly-daily blog has become once a week. I started cleaning the basement, but found a bunch of other things I'd rather do. I haven't exercised with Richard Simmons for 2 weeks!! I was mentally flogging myself for that this morning, and to really add to the masochism, I got on the scale. I almost fell off it when I saw that I am down 10 pounds since I was weighed before my colonoscopy on January 14th! How did that happen??!
I guess I was focusing so much on the things I haven't been doing that I didn't give myself credit for what I have done. I walk the dogs almost every day, and with the weather warming up that is much easier to get motivated for. I've been eating more fruits and vegetables and have rediscovered the goodness of an apple. (Usually I'm a banana girl.) We have a spinach salad with every dinner and have hardly gone out to eat in the past month. I've only baked something once since Katie left for Ireland, and I know that anything sweet is my Achilles heel. Maybe cheating once in awhile keeps me from completely blowing it. I'm trying to eat when I'm actually hungry instead of when I'm bored, lonesome, or craving something during PMS week. I also discovered that I can eat walnuts--which I love--and they will reduce my bad cholesterol; dark chocolate is also good for the heart and the sweet tooth.
My sisters, Mom, and I usually take our picture at every family get-together and call ourselves "The Lardettes." My sister Kelley is now doing a medically supervised diet and has lost 9 pounds since Monday! My mom is doing the Mayo Clinic Diet and is down 3 1/2 lbs. this week. My sister Tracey, like me, is trying to eat healthier and exercise more. With each other's encouragement, maybe we can take a picture at Erica's wedding in four months and change our name to the Sexy Mamas!
Last Friday I did some shopping for my trip to Ireland, and I had my usual foot-stomping, hair-tearing time in the Kohl's fitting room. But at bowling last night, my jeans kept sliding down, and I was afraid I might need to borrow Fred's suspenders! So something good is happening. I just have to stick to it.


Marigold1958 said...


Erica said...

my only tip would be not to borrow dad's suspenders. unless you were taking them to burn them.

MAG said...

If anyone can do what they set out to do - it's YOU! I love you no matter your size, but I DO want you healthy. One never knows what lies in store, so you need to keep the promise to "need me and feed me, when I'm 64!" (Didn't we laugh about that song and promise - my memory is so lousy I can't be sure!) Anyway.... take care of you!