Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ine's Gift

I wasn't planning to write a blog today. We got about 6 inches of snow overnight, and it is still coming down, blowing around, and drifting. I went out to take care of the dogs, and they had snowy faces and wagging tails, like, "WOW, Mom, isn't this the greatest??!" I shoveled the front steps and came inside to wrap presents and work on more Christmas cards...but then I looked at my Christmas cactus and decided to blog instead.
I am not a good plant person. I forget to water them, and was never adept at carrying on a conversation with them. My best friend Mary gave me a plant in 1981 that I managed to keep alive for 25 years, but it finally up and died from lack of companionship.
Two years ago our dear friend Ine moved into a nursing home. I have written about her before; she was the girls' babysitter from the time they were newborns until Erica started school. When she moved out of her apartment, we inherited a good share of her belongings--including her Christmas cactus. I felt bad for the plant, knowing it was probably resigned to a slow, painful death in my care. I had it sitting on an end table in full sunlight, and a friend told me they do better in a cool environment with indirect sun. Duh! In the past I have gone a month or two without watering it, and finally give it a drink when I see the leaves wilting. But it hung in there, and last December rewarded my neglect with a single beautiful blossom.
Well, I haven't treated the plant any better this year--but I noticed a few days ago that it had at least two dozen buds ready to blossom, on almost every stem!! (or whatever you call them). And last night--some were blooming!! It is definitely a miracle, because by all rights that plant should be dead, or at least in intensive care. I am thinking of its profuse display of beauty as a Christmas card from Ine, and a sign that all is well in Heaven with her and Pop--who died 12 years ago today. To them and all our other loved ones who aren't with us anymore, we love and miss you! You're always in our hearts.
Merry Christmas! And maybe Santa will bring me a plant book this year.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a good one! Funny and poignant!