Thursday, March 11, 2010

Two Exciting Things

Usually I lead a typical average life like everyone else, but the next couple days will be exciting for me. Tomorrow I will go over to Menomonie to sign the closing papers for our house in Elk Mound. Yes! Someone finally came along who apparently sees in it what we did. After almost 3 years on the market, dozens of showings, several offers, one other near-sale, and numerous trips back and forth, we will be down to owning three properties instead of four! I have been nervous for the past few weeks since accepting the offer, afraid that something would happen to mess up the deal. We were there last month to pick up the rest of Katie's stuff that was still there, and I knew when I left that it would probably be for the last time. This time there were no tears, no sentimental dwelling on the good memories of the twelve years we spent there. It is time, and it's a relief. I will sign at 3 PM tomorrow, and Fred will go over for the official closing on the 16th. Which brings me to my other cause for excitement: I have to sign early because on Saturday I leave for Ireland!!! My friends Judy, Lauri, and Bonnie will head to the Emerald Isle with me for a week of sightseeing, shopping, and carousing! We leave Eau Claire at 9:15 Saturday morning for the Cities; fly to Newark that afternoon, and on to Dublin that evening, arriving at 7 AM Sunday, Ireland time. After reading Katie's blogs and seeing the pictures she has taken, I can't wait to experience all of it myself. I'm eager to see if the redheads outnumber the blondes and brunettes, and after a few ciders, maybe I'll be possessed by the brogue of my ancestors! I could cross "Cheryl" off my tour name tag and change it to "Fiona." It will be a blast to participate in an actual Irish St. Patrick's Day, and I have three different green shirts packed for the week!
I already gave Fred his present from Ireland. I wanted to get him a Harley shirt from the Dublin Harley-Davidson, but they aren't open on Sundays, and our tour leaves there Monday morning. So after exchanging several e-mails with a nice lady named Louise McMahon at the Dublin H-D, I had a shirt shipped here. It arrived last week, as you can see in the pictures. Now I'll have even more room in my suitcase for the stuff I buy myself!
Well, I still have to make a list of instructions for Fred and take care of other last-minute details. I'm sure I'll have a lot to write about when I return, so I'll leave you with this:

A trans-ocean ticket she bought her
To the country of green hills and water.
Of Irish descent,
To Limerick she went
To visit her lovely wee daughter!

The trip will be worth all the hassle,
To see Burren, the Cliffs, and a castle;
After Guinness so big
She might dance a jig
And maybe a leprechaun rassle.

She'll take in the scenes of Killarney
And the infamous Stone of Blarney--
But a kiss there won't be
For on it guys pee;
('Twas nice of someone to warn me!)

A lifetime adventure for sure,
With friends on a fabulous tour.
Two days with Katie,
That little Patatie,
Can't wait to spend time with her!!


Katie said...

hahaha love the poem. or is it a Limerick?!

Bardea said...

Have SOOO MUCH FUN! Look forward to hearing about your escapade when you return-

MAG said...

Loved this one - especially the limerick! Oh, the rhymes you have constructed! You gave me the first laugh of the day - thanks!

Marigold1958 said...

That was so neat,,,,,,,,,you should be writing limericks for other people and getting paid for it!! Have fun...........Love You...Be Safe!!