Monday, August 17, 2009


--Trying to sell a house is an exercise in frustration and disappointment. The people whose verbal offer we had accepted finally put it in writing--and offered less than their original amount. When we countered, they came back with the exact same thing. So we said no--and are back to square one after two years on the market. Right now we own all three houses we've lived in since we got married. How many people can say that?!!
--I spent part of the weekend in Madison with Erica and Craig at their new apartment. It made me marvel that my firstborn is really an adult now and is starting medical school today. I know she will be an excellent doctor and a champion for women. We are proud of you, honey!
--Yesterday Fred started prep work for the deck he plans to put on the house. He wants to get the parts outside each door done before winter. Then he can tackle the indoor jobs that still remain on his honey-do list.
--I've discovered that an oven timer is a wonderful thing. I'd never used it in all the years I've been baking--I mean, how could anyone forget they had something in the oven?!! It's very convenient, and easier than having to turn off a shrieking smoke alarm.
--I started my diet 6 weeks ago. Five of those weeks I made healthy eating choices, gave up the things I knew weren't good for me, stopped baking, exercised. The past week I ate whatever I wanted. I am still stuck at a meager 3-pound weight loss. I'm not sure what my next step will be, but yesterday I baked zucchini bread and a banana chocolate chip cake.
-Last night Fred and I watched a movie called "Defiance." It was based on a true story--which is also a book by the same name--about some Jewish brothers who saved hundreds of Jews during World War II by hiding them in the forests of Russia. Daniel Craig is in it, and he's not hard to watch for a couple hours, either!
--Fred has $31.07 in his gin jar, and I have nothing. Zero. I'm going to take up solitaire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yaa!!! You are back on line! Missed reading your thoughts. Regarding today's, I will recheck that honey list. Thought I was doing them. Regarding solitaire, I could show you some tricks I have learned to win at that game. Regarding gin, somewhere Bill and Billy are smiling!